I Got my iPhone 5 Yesterday!

iPhone 5

On Friday night, an un-anticipated doorbell rang just as my mom and I was about to eat dinner. A UPS deliverer working an evening shift dropped off a plain mysterious package off to us and wheeled away as my mom and I were anxious to see what was in it! My mom had pre-ordered the iPhone 5 the day it was open for pre-orders, but for the past week, AT&T online tracking + customer service had said that ours hadn’t shipped out yet/would be shipped out on the 21st. Disappointed, my mom and I were pretty sad that we had to wait another 2-3 weeks for it to be delivered to us. So when this package arrived, our excitement was uncontrollable!

iPhone 5

My family of me, my mom, and my dad all thought it was time for us to upgrade to smart phones! I had been using my data-less Blackberry for the past two years and I’ve been waiting for forever for the iPhone5 to come out!

iPhone 5Getting the iPhone5 on the release date in stores was pretty amazing. No standing in lines…no fighting crowds for an unguaranteed iPhone was pretty great!

iPhone 5So far, I’m seriously lovin’ my new phone! I thought the screen was going to be larger, but this new screen, just stretched compared to the iPhone 4s, is much easier to hold in your hand. It’s also extremely light! I was weighing it against my Apple iTouch 3rd generation, and it was surprisingly a little less heavy!

Overall, I’m really really excited! I’ll post other pictures of my phone as soon as I find the time! I’ve been so busy, moving back tino my apartment for the coming school year and just with wrapping up my internship. I already have soooo many things in my queue of things to post about so I’m really looking forward to sharing that with you! Have a wonderful weekend and keep checking back here for more exciting posts!

Lemme know your thoughts on the new iPhone5! Are you sticking with your iPhone 4s, or are you upgrading? 🙂


Felicia C.<3